Waterford Dining
Enjoy a delicious dinner on a waterfront terrace or grab a coffee treat at one of the locally owned restaurants in Waterford.
- Bruno’s Restaurant http://bowlrivercity.com/
- Café 213 https://www.cafe213.com/
- Doc’s on the Fox https://docsonthefox.com/
- El Mezcal Restaurant Ltd. http://www.elmezcalmenu.com/
- Marty’s Restaurant https://www.martysrestaurant.net/
Waterford Schools
Waterford has an excellent school district with 3 elementary schools, middle school, and the Waterford Union High School. The school boasts of high academic scores, low student to teacher ratios in their classrooms, and an extensive athletics and extracurricular program. There are also procial schools to consider within Waterford.
Elementary School
- Evergreen Elementary https://www.waterford.k12.wi.us/o/evergreen-elementary
- Trailside Elementary https://www.waterford.k12.wi.us/o/trailside-elementary
- Woodfield Elementary https://www.waterford.k12.wi.us/o/woodfield-elementary
Middle School
- Fox River Middle School https://www.waterford.k12.wi.us/o/fox-river-middle
High School
- Waterford Union High School http://www.waterforduhs.k12.wi.us/
Parochial Schools
- St. Thomas Aquinas School www.stthomas.pvt.k12.wi.us
- Catholic Central High School www.cchsnet.org
Waterford Real Estate
Homes in Waterford have a median sale price of $330,000
Home values span in price from $63,000 to $1,144,900
On average, homes in Waterford stay on the market for 59 days
This information has been supplied by MLS data 11/10/2020

Tamara Towns-Pozorski
MOBILE: (262) 470-2300
EMAIL: tamara@benefit-realty.com